Naturopathic Therapies


Hormone Replacement Therapy

At Totally Lovable Naturopathic, we celebrate our gender non-conforming patients!

We offer hormone replacement therapy to support you on your gender expression journey. Our treatment plans are tailored and customized to you. While we consider the standards of care to inform treatment choices, we prioritize listening to your preferences, your symptoms and your goals. We use an informed consent model for care. We use a variety of less conventional medications, including bicalutamide, injectables, progesterone, custom compounded products and hormone pellets.

We would be honored to work with you!



Our practice is centered around mindfulness based eating and gentle nutrition. All body shapes and sizes are welcome here!

Your body is intelligent. An infant does not need to be told when to eat and when to stop eating. Our society can confuse those messages. Comments such as, “Finish your plate!”, “That food is BAD!”, and numerous other shame promoting ideas are all too common. Many of us benefit from therapies that help us listen again to the intelligence of our bodies and come home to our ourselves. Many of us have trauma and pain around being in our bodies, and there is help for you here, too.

If you are ready to give up dieting, and begin making peace with your body and your eating, we would be deeply honored to journey with you.



For many patients, the biggest challenge lives in the mental and emotional areas. During our time together, we want to uncover what the unique obstacles are that may be holding you back. It is our belief that a lifetime of living in a society that perpetually tells us that we are not good enough has a profound impact on our health and well-being. Through our many modalities and through counseling and discussion, we hope that you will always know yourself as completely, totally lovable.


Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine is the therapeutic use of herbs, spices and other plants to treat various illnesses and ailments. The use of herbs can sometimes replace pharmaceutical drugs in a treatment plan. Herbs often have fewer side effects than pharmaceuticals and can often achieve comparable results. Herbal medicine is a primary source of medicine for the majority of the world and has been used for all of recorded human history. Many drug compounds were first identified and used in plant form, including salicylic acid in Willow bark (an original form of aspirin), digitalis in Foxglove (an important heart medication) and quinine from cinchona bark (a compound used to treat malaria).



Hydrotherapy is the therapeutic application of water to treat illness. Our skin is one of the primary organs of detoxification. As our environment gets progressively more polluted, we need effective methods to remove toxins from our body. Hydrotherapy is a highly effective way to accomplish this. In addition to helping remove toxins from the body, hydrotherapy also helps bring new nutrients to tissues, increasing healing from all sorts of injuries and illnesses. Hydrotherapy also re-balances the flight-or-fight nervous system with our relaxed, rest-and-digest nervous system to aid healing.



Pharmacology is an important tool for many patients. Depending on the disease state, pharmaceuticals may be needed for a temporary time period or for longer term. Prescription medications often give us time. During this time, lifestyle changes may be added, symptoms will be made more tolerable and curative therapies can go into effect. Pharmaceuticals rarely cure diseases, they manage diseases and aid comfort while other therapies progress.

When a naturopathic physician manages your prescriptions, we spend more time checking for drug interactions. Additionally, sometimes it may be possible to use supplements, nutrients and herbs to reduce the number of pharmaceuticals needed and to decrease the amount of side effects from necessary prescriptions.


IV Nutrients and Vitamin Shots

IV therapy is the intravenous application of nutrients and compounds. Ideally, we would get these nutrients through our food. However, certain digestive conditions and overburdened states can make it harder to absorb everything we need. IV therapy is one way to jump start your recovery by getting nutrients to your cells quickly!

IV therapy is terrific during disease recovery, for optimum athletic and business performance, for beauty and cleansing protocols, to aid detoxification routines and to support your recovery when you partied too hard (hangovers, post-burning man, etc.)!! Patients often leave the office with that pep back in their step!



Homeopathy is a unique system of medicine that uses microscopic amounts of toxic substances to treat disease. The amount of the toxic substances are so low that homeopathy is largely considered an energy medicine (the actual physical matter from the toxic substances has been removed). What remains is an energetic blueprint that can be matched with the individual patient to treat a symptom constellation that is similar to the disease state of the actual toxic substance. While homeopathy is one of our most controversial modalities (many believe it is nothing more than placebo), this modality is incredibly safe, very affordable (remedies cost no more than $15) and can have results that many patients describe as deeply profound and downright magical.